Spectre of totalitarianism
The artwork is inspired by Homer’s Odyssey and represents the Cyclops Polyphemus. In the painting predominate the gray cold shades and somber tones that characterize the surreal landscape in the background. As Francisco Goya in the early 19th century embodied in the figure of the colossus the metaphor of emerging Napoleonic imperialism, the painting born as a metaphorical representation of recent political events, prefiguring itself as an obscure omen. The cyclops symbolizes in fact the advent of a new looming totalitarianism.
Recent events in Italy and in the world are prompting reflection on the right to individual freedom, especially regarding concepts of race and sexual orientation. In the face of the obvious social injustices that have occurred recently, starting from the unjust war in Ukraine that caused a mass of deaths started by autocrat Putin, nowadays also Italy seems to be starting its run towards the centralization of powers in the hands of the state. We ask what is the true face of the Italian government and what are the real purposes behind these reactionary policy. Is there a some kind of strategy or political plan? It cannot be consider the hypothesis of the release of Alamsri as a sort of "convenience" for Italy in relation to immigration policy?
On 24 November 2024 a 22-year-old Egyptian guy named Ramy Elgami was killed by a police patrol in the Corvetto district of Milan. Although the media have tried to sell the event as "voluntary murder", the evidence of the facts would seem to confirm the hypothesis of ramming by police bodies, as well as a certain bully attitude of policemen towards immigrants. On tv news they showed a piece of the video that makes you shiver. You hear the voice of the policemen that (as if it were a bully game) exclaims "He did not fall! he did not fall!" It seems that the police have silenced the witnesses who had filmed the scene by forcing them to delete photos and footage from their cell phone. The insidious theme that so strongly preaches to the premier G. Meloni, seems in fact to be a deep hatred, perpetrated at the detriment of all those who desperately seek a way of salvation through the entry into Europe. Too many events have happened (like the hidden shipwreck of Cutro) and we can not stand still to watch. In school they teach the inclusivity, acceptance of the diversity, study the day of memory to remember the Shoah, but it seems that Meloni does not manage to accept the idea of a multiracial and sexually free state. The legitimization of anti-liberal and anti-constitutional behavior is becoming the expression of a government that makes its power a means to foment the masses and incite hate speech and racism (as unfortunately today’s events are proving).
Another event that has shown the flaws of this government leaving extremely perplexed was the repatriation of the Libyan torturer Ninjeen Osama Almasri, condemned by the International criminal court. The murder of 34 people, as well as the rape of women and a child are reported as his charges. The Libyan general has been issued an arrest warrant with charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in the prison of Mittiga, near Tripoli, since February 2011. On January 21, the order of the Court of Appeal in Rome orders the immediate release of Alamsri. Shortly after his release, on the same day, the Libyan commander was repatriated from Italy on a State flight, before being carried to triumph by dozens of supporters who welcomed him. The series of events has rightly triggered strong protests from the opposition and the International Criminal Court itself. The Italian Interior Minister Piantedosi stated that Almasri was repatriated to Tripoli, "for urgent security reasons, because of the danger of the subject". The sad story raises great questions about the future of Italy, especially in the light of the relations of servility of Meloni towards the new American president Trump and his collaborator I. Mask, which has recently launched a policy against illegal immigration and unfavourable to the protection of the rights of the LGBT community. One wonders what secret relations Italy has with Libya, for the issue of migrants and if this anti-government act should not be considered as facilitating criminal acts against humanity, since for G. Meloni the biggest concern is to eliminate immigrants from Italy. In last days government is trying to justify his reprehensible actions using the means of the state secrecy. Corruption has now become clear and the superpower of the ruling classes is the strength of this government, which by supporting the interests of the rich forgets the needs of the people. Even D. Santanchè, Minister of Tourism of the Italian government, despite the frauds to the INPS and the false budget, refuses to resign by openly declaring to "have her back covered"!
